Friday 8 August 2008

sometimes one just has to let go...

random quote of the week
"let go of my Daniel"

sometimes you just have to let go of stuff... maybe this is just one of those times
you know... it isn't fair upon others if you decide otherwise...
while I have let go of the old issue... partly mentioned above... but I did it at the cost of making yet another mistake...
and this time... its almost worse... I don't even know...
I still need to resolve things within myself
ah well... wish the people i told not to emo would tell me back the same thing
but how can I not... knowing that I'll be leaving the school soon...

"I think going to broadway is a bad idea"(me to tim)
indeed i really guessed correctly... sighz

okay here comes the really emo part... if you read it well...
there is a difference between
1. liking someone and doing something about it
2. liking someone and not doing something about it, and nothing else happens
3. liking someone and not doing something about it, and seeing/hearing stuff you don't want to see/hear
needless to say option 1 will lead people to yell: :"Oh vassal miscreant!!"(Lear)
because it defies a very well know rule: the "lonely Primer rule 2", which was stuck in my msn pm for the record longest time last year.
option 2 is the best:
"think its just an infatuation... it'll probably go away"(an msn convo back in feb with tim)
"nothing will come of nothing" (lear)
and indeed that is the most part of it. emotions will eventually fade away... I know that quite well...
however one never gets such a luxury
option 3...
I unfortunately cannot say too much on it, because this is a public blog...
but negative reinforcements, such as hearing stuff like *** likes ***(although it isn't the main factor if you know people well enough),
or seeing certain stuff(which I saw around march till quite recently)causes the emotion to become stronger...
which is why I hate gossip, it can cause people to stumble..
and positive reinforcements like weird behaviour doesn't help either, like i said... interpretation can do a lot...

maybe I'll just have to talk to someone other than john or tim regarding this...

"and I would give the world to tell Your story"
if the salvation of a friend would mean I end up losing something precious to me... I'll rather the friend be saved...

if you are the person I'm talking about... I'm really sorry... I've been a bad friend...
maybe I should talk about it...
"would you please arrange it...."(choir mushy song)

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