Wednesday 27 August 2008

Sin like a Cancer...

sin is very much like a cancer... it starts out small... and grows bigger and bigger
"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."(Isa 53:5)
and God... is Our healer... not just from physical sickness but from our sin....
"you know people always use this verse to claim healing"(Amanda to Charles, a BS sometime ago)
may God heal you from your real sickness...  
Michael Guglielmucci
(which shall be refer to as "the pastor" as his name is too tedious to type) 
and our sins... we all fall short in many ways...
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."(1 John 1:9)

its very sad to see the state of the church....
not just of the pastor... he is a great musician, and chances are he does/might have a desire to honour God... except he let sin take over his life... and tried to cover it up... just like how even in the medical area... cancer patients try to hide their sickness from friends ad family...
but we should always remember... 
God uses imperfect people... in their weakness , He is made strong
David in the bible was worse than the pastor anyway,
He committed sodomy and MURDER...
and like the pastor, tried to cover up...
He confessed and repented
and he was called a man after God... 
he too wrote many songs... or psalms for God

As a church... as a unified body of Christ... we should not simply just express our shock and horror... and pass judgement upon people... it is for God to judge
but we should pray for people... pray for healing upon this aggressive cancer that is known as sin...
and like cancer... sin leads unto death...

but its saddening... we see Hillsong trying to "unperson" the pastor (I have their original dvd... which prominently features him, and his "testimony")
oh well...

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