Wednesday 20 May 2009

nothing much

somehow these few days
I know I feel left out, because of having to be stuck in camp while the others have their leave and fun
and when I get back, somehow things don’t seem very much the same either

after finding a way to fix L4D to run multiplayer without lag
it seems like I’ve been playing a lot of it recently, with random online strangers
but somehow the real fun of the game really comes with playing with a group of friends you love and know
and even so, I even find talking to a group of close friends online more meaningful and fulfilling than mere computer video games.
even getting poked fun of by LM is better than that
but somehow, I’ve really been feeling very insecure about myself over the past few days...
somehow... I wonder if you guys ever get tired of having me around...
and are glad to be able to enjoy yourselves without me...

nothing much I can do about a lot of circumstances around me
especially with regard to the past behind me...
I always wondered
if you ever knew how I really felt about things all the way
when I saw things that made me uncomfortable
that made me rather sad
I gave so much of myself away
that I dare not give anyone else anything
for now...
but I do know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
and one of the things I can do
is to have the courage to move on...

Monday 18 May 2009


I wish somehow
that I didn’t have to put up some people all the time
somehow they say its a half-half fault thing
but seriously... i wonder who’s ‘tone’ sounds more disgusting
talking about a subject you know nuts about
and acting like you know everything about it
somehow that really disgusts me
fibreglass guitar indeed
one of the primary reasons why I,(and many others) thoroughly dislike ovation guitars
Acoustic wood tone... with the bright sparkles and mellow sweetness... the depth and warmth
Can never be better than a synthetic piece of rubbish, no matter how expensive it may be
Ovation may have projection and clarity, with quite a decent pickup system, but sacrifices tone and depth to achieve it...
don’t desecrate the subject of acoustic guitars... if you really know absolutely nothing about it

somehow, it’s tiring lah
playing all these secular songs for no apparent incentive... sacrificing valued break time
I might as well have joined MDC by the looks of things...
I wish I could have taken a day off today and joined the rest...

Wednesday 13 May 2009

Let the words remain unsaid pt 2

I did a much older post with a similar title 1 and a half years ago:

Password protected

Monday 11 May 2009


Password protected post:

Thursday 7 May 2009

bitter medicine

looking back one and a half years ago, a conversation I had at the start of 2008
oh well
i wonder what kind of stuff I'll end up doing in 1 and a half years time
army >.< but i dunno if I can get into something like medicine haha haha what d'you suppose you'll be doing ? overseas or NUS/NTU/SMU?

no idea
i was hoping to do medicine
but not with the amount of discipline i have
nor the extent of my laziness
I'm lazy also
but I'll like medicine too haha
which was half the reason why i chose bio/math/chem combi
oh =.=
i didn't have what i wanna do in mind when i chose my subs

sigh... laziness doesn’t pay off i guess
neither does emoing over things...

Wednesday 6 May 2009


a car driving down a nearly empty road in the wee hours of the morning
stops at a bus stop, or just before...
nothing heard but the sound of cars in the expressway in the distance racing... rather softly
the trudging sound of an oncoming bus. inscribed with the numbers, 74...
the car door opens, slowly...
a guitar and bag are also slowly retrieved from the car
the door is slammed softly, the car races off
time is carefully taken to adjust the bag and guitar straps
the bus stops, he stops, looks
wonders whether she would be on that bus, getting off
being able to at least catch a small moment of time to talk and walk with her
something ultimately precious at that moment of time
an awkward smile and hello...
and silence while walking in...
he wonders if she know what is on his mind at that moment
that his heartbeat is unnaturally fast
and he wished she could talk too


That was the past at least....
just but a memory
times have changed a lot... that’s all I know
it all seemed so surreal to think about it
just like a fairy tale story
except the fairy tale never had much of a happily ever after...

another dream

more vivid this time, I could remember more of the details this time
it was the 3 of us, we were walking down the pathway outside the SAC (the narrow strip of concrete)
after some time one of you disappeared, maybe having to fly off somewhere else far far away...
while the other stayed with me
still a rather happy dream

I think somehow beneath all these facades and everything
when you strip everything down
I think nothing much has changed about how I felt since Feb 2007
just a matter of a change of how I deal/dealt with the issue

looking through the convos of one of the friends I’m closest to
(in terms of how I trust them with my thoughts)
times have changed much...

Monday 4 May 2009

Eleven Minutes

questions on sexuality and love
I guess everyone asks these questions sooner or later

beyond how the world looks beyond those “eleven minutes”
Love is a sacred gift from God, but the world has messed up so badly
it becomes a curse

anyway reading that book, infusion of biblical and worldly precepts of love and sex
albeit rather pornographic in its descriptions...
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

What does the worker gain from his toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on men.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Song of Solomon 2:7:
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you
by the gazelles and by the does of the field:

Do not arouse or awaken love
until it so desires.
its strange to tell a malay muslim guy I made friends with during my guard duty:
I don’t worry, If God wants to give me a life companion, He will, if not He wont,
After all, God is Great (
Allāhu Akbar) , and He can do anything
and he agreed.

Saturday 2 May 2009


the aftermath of stupid facebook sabotage came anyway
or maybe its because of a few defiant comments

my thoughts upon the whole affair is this I guess
firstly, everyone somehow likes scandal... its really lame
seriously... and well she doesn’t deserve it... all the stupid teasing
I don’t like her in the way i like(or used to like) someone else ...
secondly, i guess I am a bit well, sian
it’s the whole “emil is a total joke” kind of thing...
esp some of the comments...
but compare it to some of the other jokes they had in the past involving my “twin”
well I guess its natural...

bleah, I don’t want another HG like incident
not funny...