Tale of 2 mice
2 mice left their hole to find food... they find a mouse trap loaded with the most delicious cheese ever, orangey cheddar, not your typical yellow lousy parmesan.
one of the mice drew near to take the cheese, while the other stayed back, remembering the 2nd rule grandpa mouse said to him, "thou shalt not take cheese from mousetraps"
the other mouse goes forward and starts feasting at the cheese... initially the trap didnt spring on him, while the first mouse looked longingly at the cheese...
and the trap sprung, and the mouse got its head chopped off... the first mouse still looked at the cheese, and wondered whether the rule still applied, even though the trap had beeen sprung...
and he wonders whether the traps reset themselves
before he inches forward to nibble at the cheese, yet he feels gulity about his companion mouse
and yet he remembers cheese rule 1, thou shalt get cheese from the sacred cheese of life, found in an open boat which he has to visit every saturday.
(oops what am i talking)
I mean he needs the bread of life, whoever who eats of it shalt not grow hungry,
And Oreo cheesecake($3) for lunch today
cheesecake doesn't satisfy, and eating too much of it makes one sick... the first few nibbles were nice though
Ok I should stop this cheese business
as I went forward after the service to sit on one of the front pews looking at the Big Cross , longing just for another touch from God...
and I turn left, and see this big board that has been there since youth day 2006, it says
painted in big orange yellow letters
yet back home, resorting the BB photos and requesting for more
and slow MSN DL speeds and solving winRA(a)R problems and bombardment of chem rubbish quesitonswhich I havnt done
oh well
did my EA1 homework from 4-5 , QT 5-530
then off to take bus(my mum was working Night shift)
a 963 passed before me, to my utter irritation, why is it when ever i need a 963 to school it never comes... yet now i wanted my Mcdonald's breakfast
5 minutes later, 67 comes, and i board it at 655
drop off at Mcdonalds at 610, buy a muffin and milo peng before going off to the KAP bustop to munch and wait for the bus 74
and as expected, 74 did come at 620.. haha... i learnt from last time, the next bus at 635 would make me late...
and i guess up i go, to the 2nd deck, to find russell see, stonning, and Amanda G. studying chem and wearing the ultimate dao machine( made by apple, and its called an iPod)
sat in front of russell, attempted some conversation with him, but it was like talking to a stone wall.
so i give up and plonk out chem to study... lol..... was thinking of taking out my dao machine too
but decided against it, besides it was only a short journey
FireAC, Give us clean hands, and Open our eyes of my heart
and Faith...
and Talbot attempts to confiscate my bible during chapel....lol... like errrr.....
Custodian day
nice pledges that none of us can recite properly
vay ko no maa ger
and math centipedes
Chinese B waste time (Tang Jie not around)
Geog, Tim Lim ,
befor that heard from the SL1 chem techer that Chiam wasn't around and I happily assumed no chem test
EA1 that was enjoyable for once, Jean Luah refusing to come, which means
1) no IOP
2) Runima came, finally a lot more cheerful and it was an interesting lesson at least
Math again, differenciation with Gina Ong
Chem: and the SL1 chem teacher comes to give the TEST !!!!! ARRRR
i didnt re-revise
nice what on earth is Maxwell-Boltz graph?????
and she says open book
oh my
yay that was easy then
it was funny to see John Tay parading in halfway through the test... he assumed free-period
and after that down to the admin room, and Lua and milk and arguments that Bio is better than physics(my former best subject before i ditched it in favor of bio)
Overslept.... zzzz no QT
and it was a horrible day....
Although tried CS to make myself feel better, but it only gives momentary satisfaction to (snipe/mow dow with a Para machine gun/headshot with AK-47) bots running amok with knives, or stab frozen bots in the head. oh well, I guess like DotA, CS is only fun when you play with friends you know well.
but the prayer meeting at the end was good i guess
only God can satisfy i guess
off to a nap before TOK essay
I’m exhausted I’m tired No energy nor desire My thoughts are to blame My
mind is a liar I’ve tried and tried to keep you quiet But even your
silence ma...
5 years ago