oh well ... Charles Ng just freaked me out with this sudden msn convo
(10:59 PM) Charles Ng- quie: emil
(11:00 PM) Charles Ng- quie: if i gave you a book to read
(11:00 PM) Charles Ng- quie: would you be willing to finish it?
(11:00 PM) Charles Ng- quie: my gift to you
(11:00 PM) ✞♥☺☻عмٱLٱмعz|Jes: depends on th book
(11:00 PM) Charles Ng- quie: must read
(11:00 PM) ✞♥☺☻عмٱLٱмعz|Jes: but most of the time yes
(11:01 PM) Charles Ng- quie: ok then.... i will give it to you... will put it in the primers room next to the computer tomorrow so you can go get it
(11:03 PM) ✞♥☺☻عмٱLٱмعz|Jes: what book is it?
(11:03 PM) ✞♥☺☻عмٱLٱмعz|Jes: lol
(11:03 PM) Charles Ng- quie: you will find out
(11:04 PM) Charles Ng- quie: but you must read it
(11:04 PM) ✞♥☺☻عмٱLٱмعz|Jes: hmm topic on?
(11:06 PM) Charles Ng- quie: Love
(11:06 PM) Charles Ng- quie: have you heard of John Ortberg?
(11:07 PM) ✞♥☺☻عмٱLٱмعz|Jes: no...
(11:07 PM) Charles Ng- quie: good
(11:07 PM) Charles Ng- quie: this book that I'm passing you has my notes, my heart and soul
(11:07 PM) Charles Ng- quie: so its very precious
(11:07 PM) Charles Ng- quie: but i am passing it to you
(11:07 PM) Charles Ng- quie: so please read it carefully and faithfully
you can imagine how freaked out i was...
oh well...
guess i might be gething a little too obvious...
even so i wish... XL could be the same old XL before Feb...
and i wish... more...
yet God again decided to speak to me...through songs
I arrived in church a little bit late for YF... to miss all the nice fast praise songs...
....Amen... Drum sticks tapping....
Did you rise the sun for me....
the song Always...... and....it really ministered to me....
Cause all you are is all I want always,
Draw me close in your arms oh God
I wanna be with You
when all else fades my soul will dance with You ... where the Love lasts forever...
while Rod Parade... One in vision One in Christ, We will stand...
and BS... i need a working pinch dispenser...stop looking lah..... grrr... lol nmind... Emil is being stupid and silly as usual
and nice Charles take time to swan Tim...
lol oh well...
when God speaks to you, things always seem happier.. at least for a few hours after that...
I’m exhausted I’m tired No energy nor desire My thoughts are to blame My
mind is a liar I’ve tried and tried to keep you quiet But even your
silence ma...
5 years ago
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