Tuesday, 11 September 2007

mean and ludicrous

Hundred... and emo
"why does everything I touch become mean and ludicrous? It is like a curse !"

crashy comps
to Tim's house
thanks a lot....
"regarding your ... friend you need to be more ..."(Tim)
corrupted docx, 3 hours of work down the drain
why me?? 3 am to go home....

BGR emphasis week for my church youth????
let see
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart......"
" love your neighbour as yourself..."
I dont even love myself enough... zzz
"Guard your heart"
in which I apparently have failed to do so miserably? or what?
"dont eat cookies before the dinner feast
dont eat the dinner feast at 4 when you're supposed to eat at 6"
Am I looking at my dinner or a mere cookie?
"You're too young"
"not that ...'s interested"(matt)
and not that i really want it now, as in if God says wait than wait lor

but even so that does change much, its like starring at a large tub of chunkey munkey ice cream, drooling, but not eating it... and wondering whether the ice cream will melt away before I get to eat it...
And it sucks to see other people licking away at the ice cream you want, to see someone taking a spoon to eat 1 spoon of it , before he chokes on it.

Monday: overslept
Bio class:
"why are there so many Johns in this school?"
"you are so obvious what you are trying to mean"(Tim)
"why you know so much about the bio class days"(tim)
"tim dont emo, my guitar wont be happy"(tit for tat)

tuesday(today): overslept again, my sis isnt a good alarm clock too...
a turned head, a heart that wants to break?
I dont like being daoed... it hurts...
why does everything I touch become mean and ludicrous?

nice lah... throwing pebbles at a wall... ignore me lor...
dao me ... everyone likes to either swan or dao me lor....
"Penny for your thoughts?"(David )
"the Spirit tells me you're troubled"
why me? why me?
"Do you still trust Me?"
everythings going to be alright... He has seen me through the past, and He will see me through...

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