Thursday 24 July 2008

"I like ***" choir...

dinner with Mdm Yong was rather interesting lol
although at a number of points I felt a bit left out... bio oly talks...
and discussing a number of things

and talking about fellow classmates
"I like ***"
*me gives Tim the look
"I like ***"
*me looks at Tim again
"I really like ***"
*looks at Tim for the 3rd time
so much for that...
old things..., old times...

"=== has been looking moody"
"I told  ===, no point wasting sleep over a guy"
er..., you mean the only reason a girl can look emo is over a guy? and vice versa?
At least, that is, if academic performance is taken out of the question...
ah well, I shall refuse to try to formulate theories...

mushy songs
"you need to really mean the words you say, think of somebody..."
(E. Wan)
dotz... I try not to think about certain things that are real, because they will either make me feel sad , or will make me feel confused.
E.Wans suggestion of Bratt Pitt and Angelina Jolie didn't sound good(I generally don't watch movies... and either way I don't think they look that great.) 
So I tried looking at Sze Jet's sister (aka Sze min in the audience), before i started laughing silently, and gave up... shall leave the mushy thinking to the real concert...
I don't like singing mushy songs... period...

Japanese tongue twisters and flowers
Hungarian Gypies(aka 'the machine gun' according to Levin) 
"Turot eszik a cigany"
Filipino men drooling(according to translation)
"Rosa Pandans"
Indian Raga
Latin Missa Brevis movement
"a.k.a. learn another few languages in a few days" (Feli's blog)
lol, I agree too... but either way, its something that one gets used to after 5 1/2 years in choir...

Charity cafe
Nintendo Wii Guitar hero and rahbits...
was rather fun =)
oh well...
dead tired... Final EE/World Lit to amend/print, IOC to mug, Chem/Bio prac reports to complete for submission...
and gruelling Choir sessions... 

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