Saturday 5 July 2008

Prima Deli Chicken Pies are too sweet...

apologies for the really random blog title, couldn't think of a better one...
Passion AC today ;went erm... shopping in the afternoon
before heading for Passion AC
quote removed on request
then the food
accidentally bumping against alex...
wasn't too hungry... tried a chicken drumstick that was too salty
then an awesome Old Chung Kee karipok
then tried some of the chicken pie that Tim and Kenneth said was good
"they are THE bomb... I think they're the prima deli ones"(kenneth)
but they were too sweet and made me sick... ><

worship... john/alex/tim/me/dan/amanda/petrina/evelyn/XL? seated in a row
it was weird... somehow i decided to not care about anything, yet...
a culture of not being "charismatic"
after all certain doctrines they promote incur heresy?
God was there... in the emotions
but where were You in the Spirit?
or maybe I'm just well...I was definitely blessed by the experience
yet something always seems to crush it all...
"this people... honour me with their lips....... But their hearts are far from me..."(Isa 29 :13)
I used to enjoy the "worship experience" ; the so called "Spiritual High"
why am I so sceptic now?
or maybe I dunno, I cannot deny a part of me... a part of me
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."(Matt 16:24)
going back in petrina's car to the bus stop
sighz, it was a tiring day...
you probably know me well enough...
why cant I let go?
I have no reason to feel sad...

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