Friday 11 April 2008


Somehow i just want to write about 2 things
1. The whole issue of relationships 
or BGR
2. The cost of love
Maybe i shouldn't harp on so much about number 1, but i guess, let me make my observations
1. Boy meets girl (or girl meets boy in some cases)
usually very much the case, sometimes or another, it might be possible that, be it mutual or single directional ( Jesus-way as Tim once put it, aka "one way"), affections arise. I guess its nothing really wrong, when little emotions get invested, it does not tie so much, and eventually  nothing happens, unless number 2 happens
2. Emotional investments
Theresa once shared this analogy, the idea of us having one pure bottle of mono-coloured sand. and she likened the emotional investments as pouring sand into another persons bottle.
The problem with so many people is this, they jump right in, start pouring sand into each others bottles, and realise they don't like each after all, and try to take back as much of their sand as possible. The problem of that is that once invested, you cannot take back totally, and it hurts, because you left a precious piece of oneself, in someone else's heart, you cannot take it back, the same way once you mix salt and sugar together, its kinda impossible to separate them. (whatever to the science geeks who decide melt the mixture and do some random crap about different melting points, that's beside the point).
Ah well, i wish that "the special one" myth was true. Alas, truth be told, there absolutely no biblical basis to that. Its only by God's grace do we find "the right one" and not screw up  in that sense.
it doesn't make sense to fall into the trap of number 2, so many times, i seen it all around, people rushing madly from one failed relationship to another...
ah well wish I could... I don't want to hurt myself either
someday we'll find it... in His time

and the cost of love, love is not cheap.
we cannot say we love something or someone unless it costs us something.
Love cost God the life of His Son
we say we love God, but we don't love God by singing songs, wearing christian T-shirts, attending christian events, what does it cost us?
a life surrendered to God, 
"love God wholeheartedly"

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