Tuesday 2 October 2007

Glass shards

lets think of charlie and the chocolate factory...............
everyday walking pass a shop... peering his face through the glass looking at the mountains of lucious chocs and sweets...

or maybe its just any poor boy gazing through the glass at a toy shop, a tiger or lion soft toy he wants so much, and hippo and dogs.. gazing and longing... yet as he sees the other children go in, passing through the glass door as if it wasnt there, pockets bulging with cash and buying all they want.. and leaving the shop, and it hurts him...
or maybe its another boy looking through the glass at the 100 acres wood collection, Pooh bear, the bouncy Tigger, Rabbit, Owl, Piglet and Eeyor the donkey, and Christopher of course. again he sees another boy come in, but only to leave disappointed... the collection was too expensive...
so he goes off, and comes back with a large rock in the dark of the night....
*Smash smash....*
and yet now, even as the way seemed clear, there was another barrier....
the poor boy had no shoes... and now glass shards lay all over the floor, how was he to cross, without cutting his feet badly?
and even the glittery glass seemed to have showered all over the collection, making it glitter in the moonlight streaming into the shop, yet it seemed to cut and fray the threads that bind....
he reluctantly leaves....
the next morning, the shop owner comes in from the back of the shop, it was still rather dark... ... walks across to the light switch to turn it on..
and a yelp of pain, and blood flowed as the glass cut into the feet

ok that was a random story...

yet at times i wonder if i hurt people in the things i do, especially people that i care about...
posting from primer's room
EA1 paper yesterday was rather easy, today no paper( I don't take econs)
and today FireAC ended at a record late time... lol the national anthem started almost immediatedly after the last "amen" as we closed in prayer
i guess yesterday, after the paper, amanda leaves for home, lunchtime, then tim leaves to study econs with eve, chng remains in the SAC to study with Fab and i went over to primers room, no one there except XL...
Fab joins later along with russel and junyi, and Chng
and while i was studying chem, yet i decided to take out my laptop to look at my chem notes
and it gets hijacked by fab and company
Sims 2 lol
primers family
"cant put 2 together or it will be incest"
right... lol
and you guys are noob at creating characters
haha the character i created , fab :

at least some resemblance the others looked fake

earlier in the morning
nearly got killed by a bus 33
I dunno my mind was a little preoccupied, i saw the red light for the other side of the road... and I absent mindedly thought it was safe to cross
I suppose the phrase: " dont kill yourself over..." has a literal meaning...
thank God eitherway

anyway an Interesting chat with fab after chng left...
ok... I should go study chem...

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