Monday, 30 April 2007

A Time of Refreshing

Second post today

Even through my physical and emotional burnout ....... ...enduring another Sylvia Plath poem in SL3 ElA1...... sitting beside someone while doing a badly done Bio test....attempting to (and failing) to install autograph in the comp lab and getting scolded by G.Ong... and...... a smile and a wave ...
and Choir after all that

An expectancy of the usual physical burnout associated after a long session of choir... but it ended in a time of refreshing in sitting at the astro turf chatting , eating spicy pizza in front of Theodora and singing all manner of songs accompanied occasionally with my lousy guitar playing....
Thank God for such times of refreshing, at least now I feel better
and Truly Lord You are faithful

Quiet Sadness

Oh well
Ponning school in morning for choir
Nevermind tho posting now during Tok class( cant find the class , probally having a lecture)

Sadness now after all the emotional ups and downs...
after Koinonia was over , guess its time to go back to schoolwork
.... and "homework everest" "a quote from a random persons msn nick) waiting for me to demolish it ...

After laser quest in BB, went down to SAC.... not to eat .... but went to the piano and played the first thing that came to mind... "Who am I" one of the Koinonia songs...
someone... ...came to watch... and listen , was my playing that good? I dare to say Tim could do it better
Worship later... someone touched by God... His presence... touched by His presence....
Cant I let go of my emotions towards..... someone and ..... just move on? or what? what can i do?
I want more of God in my life.... more of You.... I need You.. more of your Presence, touch my life again...

Sunday Church worship
Click click click(doing clicking)
...I love You I need You, though my world may fall....
...All I need is You
emotional outpourings... oh well

FireAC worship today

....You are so faithful... Lord You are faithful
.... when the stars refuse to shine and time is no more ... You still be faithful oh God

time for SL3 English... Post another time I guess

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Drenched in the Rain

Soaked in the Rain..... today......
weather as a reflection of my mood and life this year
sunny one moment as I got onto the bus from Haborfront after a time of fellowship and food with a bunch of church friends(surprisingly we were talking about apologetics and theology instead of the usual rubbish today).
And the storm came, crashing down all around as I sat in the safety of the bus... napping and unaware of what was happening around me.
as I opened my eyes.... and saw the storm... rain and wind.... and heard the terrible clapping of the thunder...
And as I prayed for the storm the weather to get better.... it got worst instead....
Torrential rain, lightning, and thunder greeted me as I got off the bus.
And I got soaked as I made my way back home... from the bus stop.
Wouldn't it be similar to how life has been for me? All was well as the year began... before trouble was stirring and I was unaware... and ... exposed... and now... facing in the open... and the storm still gets heavier with additional trouble..
And for now my mood is like the weather too... sunny one moment... and rainy and stormy the next.
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani"
The cry of Jesus as He was crucified
My God, my God, Why have You forsaken me? (Ps 22:1)

Quote (Tim Lim's blog)
but it's not true. i'm just as weak as all of u. just the same. ... .... ....
......... i'm just as weak - if not weaker. all you guys have seen in me so far, is simply God's grace and mercy. nothing more. I'm nothing without Him. absolutely........
.....i need a firm foundation again. Jesus.

then again. not just me. all of us do

Amen to that...
I am nothing without Him.... whatever prayer thingys & worship in choir, and whatever bible knowledge etc.... 7/7 Qt checks ... ... nothing but filthy rags in front of Him...
Its By His Grace only... in my weakness that His power is made complete and perfect (Romans12:9)

(Lamentations 3:22-23 )
22The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,
--his mercies never come to an end;

23they are new every morning;
--great is your faithfulness.(

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

You are the Potter I am the Clay

Visited my old blog after close to 6 months of neglect.
and the first thing that catches my attention
(title: You are the potter I am the Clay)
and the second thing, the media player that worked (because for some strange reason i was using IE which i normally never use)
The Potters Hand
Maybe it thats what it has been all this while, He's been molding and guiding me all this time of trial and emotional and physical exhaustion.
Maybe its back for me go back to that time last year , simply to surrender my life to Him again for Him to mold it again
You are the Potter , I am the Clay
Take my life and mold it again Lord.
..... for straying so far away.... from Your guidance, and at times not trusting You........
Bring me back to You Lord.
Let me come back to heart of worship.
The Power Of Your Love
Lord, I come to You, let my heart be changed, renewed,
Flowing from the grace, That I found in You
Lord, I've come to know, The weaknesses I see in me,
Will be stripped away, By the power of Your love
Hold me close, Let Your love surround me
Bring me near, Draw me to Your side
And as I wait, I'll rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your Love
Lord unveil my eyes, Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love, As You live in me
Lord renew my mind, As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day, In the power of Your Love

The Potters Hand
Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Savior
I know for sure all of my days are held in your hands
Crafted into your perfect plans
You gently called me into your presence
Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit
Teach me dear Lord to live all of my life
Through your eyes
I'm captured by your holy calling
Set me apart. I know you're calling me to yourself
Teach me, Lord. I pray
Take me, mold me, use me, fill me
I give my life to the Potter's Hand
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me
I give my life to the Potter's Hand

Saturday, 7 April 2007

Redeemer, Savior, Friend

Redeemer, Savior, Friend
Darrell Evans, Chris Springer
Verse 1:

I know You had me on your mind
When You climbed up on that hill
For You saw me with eternal eyes
While I was yet in sin
Redeemer Savior Friend
Verse 2:
Every stripe upon Your battered back
Every thorn that pierced Your brow
Every nail drove deep through guiltless hands
Said that Your love knows no end
Redeemer Savior Friend
Redeemer, redeem my heart again
Savior, shelter me from sin
You're familiar with my weaknesses
Devoted to the end
Redeemer Savior Friend
Verse 3:
So the grace you poured out on my life
Will return to You in praise
I'll gladly lay down all my crowns
For the name of which I'm saved
Redeemer Savior Friend

Went for Jeremy Goh's / Ben Liau's church musical "Eyes of faith"
didn't really expect much from it... i though probably was some evangelical based musical , and unlikely to get much from it , went anyway to support/watch Jeremy(conductor) and Ben Liau(dancer)
Entering an unfamilar church alone was quite freaky... luckily i managed to spot Jeremy immediately...
before the start of the musical they played on Mp3 track , At the foot of the cross,.... something that i remember only part of the lyrics(trade these ashes in for beauty)... something which really sort of ministered to me... even in my emotional problems and so on...
the show then proceeded... theres was hardly any storyline or acting, but a lot of song and dance. In through these songs and dance , God really ministered to me ...
... Redeemer Savior Friend ...
A song in my mp3 playlist which i never really took notice of... but that day it sort of spoke to me, what a friend we have in Jesus...
"You're familiar with my weakness, devoted till the end"
Assurance that he knows my weaknesses and is faithful till the end... what an assurance
Verse2 ....
"... Your love knows no end"
Another sort of touching lyrics... he took our sin and pain upon himself and suffered for our sake

The Not So Important Part...
The choir and dancers were really nice... and seeing Jeremy at the back conducting with lightsticks was quite amusing.
I Could see Ben Liau enjoying himself while dancing. I haven't really seen him much in BB these few days , it was nice to see him..
The acting was kinda... bad tho ... lol...

Redeemer, redeem my heart again
Savior, come and shelter me from sin
You're familiar with my weaknesses
Devoted to the end
Redeemer Savior Friend

Wednesday, 4 April 2007


It comes to the time of the year again... Holy week before Easter, and its 'religious emphasis week'
or REW in short
a bunch of us from FireAC sort of 'prepared' a message in the school pond by arranging white rocks to spell out "†GOD loves YOU"(the rocks initially had been used to advertise for some S.C. campaigning.) Ha Ha if you were wondering who the jokers were.
So "God Loves you", what does it mean...
Love itself is quite a issue on its own... ... see XL's post on love in his blog,
the limitations of the English language simply broadly generalised all the kinds of love(Agape, platonic love, sexual love, infatuations) in to 1 term itself... by itself is rather vague
the Bible tells us that God is Love(agape)(1 John 4:16), it also tells us that nothing can ever seperate us from God's love (Romans 8:38-39)
How does God show his love to us? By sending his son to die on the cross for our sins(
John 3:16)
lets link it back to the REW speaker's Glen's testimony
how did God show his love to him.
A rebellious child .... life was in a mess yet..... God still loved him, enough to see him through and bring him back to Himself. The light sentence he received, his marriage and other aspects of his life all seemed to flow in God's plan... ... surely that cant be a coincidence or sheer luck...
I believe its all part of God's plan...
Even for my life , I can see how God has worked in my life... coming to accept Him in p6 not really knowing what it meant... Him closing the door for y3/4 IP to allow me to grow stronger in my faith without the testing and doubt that comes with learning PoD(part of the curriculum dealing with theory of knowledge) and opening the door for me stay on and serve in the ministry of FireAC.
Besides that, also other things that He has done for me... the other time when my teacher(Shue) wanted to send me to Dr Ong(which would have meant an expulsion) he was busy in a meeting so basically just got a scolding from the bursar(read this post: The struggles of life (and a prayer))
I just need to trust him for the other problems I'm going through now... the whole XL & BGR Amanda thing... that really... well... sickening why cant I let go my emotions yet?

My God is mighty to save
lead worship for FireAC on Monday.
sung a few songs including mighty to save and Oceans will part
Open my eyes to the work of your hand..... ...In my life Your will be done
Meaning every word i sing ....yet can i apply it in my life?
ended FireAC at 729 that day, which ultimately lead to us being late for assembly...
ended up singing the national anthem twice(lol)
Sung mighty to save in the REW worship lead my Mr Wong Ping Loong
Everyone needs compassion, a love that never failing.... needs forgiveness, the kindness of a Savior
All of us truly need Him in our lives... or life would be purposeless
so take me as you find me all my fears and failures, fill my life again
let this be the prayer of many by the end of REW LORD .
Non christian ppl/groups to pray for:
Many of the Teachers(Chiam KC, V. Rao?, Ruma B.?)
Ng Song Yeong(Y5)
Shao Xiong(Y5)
Rodney Soh(Y4)
Levin Tan(Y4)
let young(students) and not so young(teachers) return and or come to Jesus
Send your Fire LORD .

Random dumb stuff
Forgot to bring my guitar padlock to school today
ended up dragging my 2.7k Taylor guitar all around the classes
took out the guitar several times while waiting for teachers
random comments:
Quote(Michelle Y.)
Didn't know guitars had fine tuners
(Referring to the black ebony guitar pegs)
Lol... Yan Han then proceeded to pretend to twist the guitar pegs as if fine tuning the guitar and compared the other part to a violin(pick guard became the F-Hole, the base of the guitar became the chin rest...
Quote(Maye Y.)
Your guitar has a nice smell, smells like my violin
(the mahogany wood does have a nice smell no doubt)
seeing John Tay sniffing at my guitar after that was quite amusing...
S.C. elections campaign forum was a waste of time... sitting down there for 1+ hour listening to the same cliche statements
Random Quote
I have the passion so vote for me.
Vote for me so i will make your 2 years here more fun
Right.. i wont vote for you... I'm a mugger and I don't want fun... lol
Anyway Joshua Cao coming up and asking his ridiculous questions was the only thing that made it worth listening to.
thats all i can write for now, should go to sleep now...