Thursday, 10 November 2011

Birthday wishes

This post is kinda overdue - but yeah


Thanks for all those last week who made my 21st special:

to Jia’en, Shayne, Yi Ming - for the unexpected surprise after class at the HSS building, the cake/card, the lunch, you all really made my day (:

to the Block E people - thanks for the cake

to the Hall 3 29th JCRC - thanks for the cake and card

to GLOW (NTUCF CG) - thanks for the cake and card - even though Anna didn’t realise it was my birthday and asked me where to buy a cake ><

to Anna, Lawrence, Jiajun - for spending time with me late at night at Nanyang meadows to chill and chat

For every cake a got ( a total of 5 cakes ><) there always these tradition of 'making a wish' before blowing out the candles

I guess, I could always wish for a perfect GPA, getting the perfect GF, or any of those things which are important for a first year uni student as he wonders about the rest of his life.

But all these things don't really matter do they? even if I manage to get a GPA of 5 and get together with the girl of my dreams, it still has very little value compared to whatever God has intended for me.

I wish therefore, that God will reveal his purpose in my life more and more, and in whatever I do, I will be a blessing to the people around me… And I trust that whatever things else that matters, my ambitions, desires, hopes, dreams…. He will take care of it, in His time...

and so, as the exam break comes, I guess:

Lord teach me to trust in You more.

Teach me how to value myself and build my identity as Your child

And love other people the way You want me to.

and help me in my weakness, to depend on You more…

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